Carers’ Rights Day

The Highland Council is supporting Carers’ Rights Day -  a national awareness day organised today (Friday) by Carers Scotland to inform carers of their rights and services available to help support them in their caring role. 

Thousands of people in Highland who look after a sick or disabled relative may be missing out on vital support that could help them with their caring responsibilities.  The Princess Royal Trust Highland Carers Project can offer information, advice, training and advocacy to ensure carers are recognised, listened to, informed, equipped and supported.

A carer is someone who looks after a relative, friend or neighbour who cannot manage on their own due to frailty, physical or mental illness, disability or addiction.  They may be a young carer who takes responsibility for supporting a parent or other relative with a long-term illness.  They may be elderly and caring full-time for an adult son or daughter with disabilities.  They may NOT know there is help and support available to them. 

Please tell carers where they can find answers to their questions and a helping hand.  Telephone the Carers’ Information Line for a free Information Pack on 01463 723561 or email

5 Dec 2008