Public Transport Issues In Badenoch and Strathspey

Public Transport was the key theme of the Badenoch and Strathspey Ward Forum held in April this year and local people are now being asked for feedback about how they feel about their local transport services.

Councillor Dave Fallows said:  “The Forum had a very good discussion about many public transport issues and it was recognised that there is currently a gap in transport provision within the area.  We are now trying to find out from local people how they feel about the existing services in and around, or out with the Badenoch and Strathspey area.  Many people rely on using public transport to help them get to work, college, or leisure activities so it is important that we gather as much feedback as possible.”

The Highland Council has set up an e-mail address and phone number for people to pass on their views - or 01463 702457.

The Council is also advising people that there are a number of websites specifically set up for co-ordinating local transport for people wishing to share getting from A to B on a regular basis.  These include websites for Lift Share, Hitrans, Traveline, Journey Planners and Transport Direct -

Wider work is going on in the Badenoch and Strathspey area in terms of sustainable transport with various initiatives running which will all help to deliver the National Park Plan. 

The CNPA is addressing the lack of coordinated information across the Park with the Cairngorms Explorer, published each May.  This includes all timetables for the Park and things to do at low cost connected to public transport and is available as a hard copy or online on

The CNPA, in conjunction with Aviemore and the Cairngorm Destination Management Organisation and Energy Savings Trust, is currently publishing a Green Travel Plan for 50 Badenoch and Strathspey visitor sites by Christmas. Funded by t CNPA and EU Leader this will highlight which attractions visitors can get to by public transport and will flag up any need to alter or add services.

The Highland Council, Aberdeenshire Council and CNPA have shown good cross-working with the subsidising of the Heather Hopper bus which runs mid-May to Sept between Grantown and Ballater. This year some of the services had facilities for users to also transport bicycles and the scheme will be repeated in 2009.

Local community transport issues can also be arranged by contacting Badenoch and Strathspey Community Transport on  Wheelchair accessible transport also available. 

9 Dec 2008