More than Words and Numbers

An Introductory Training in Adult Literacies Learning (ITALL) course in Kingussie has just wrapped up for 2008.  The aim of the course was to enable participants to become effective tutors of adult literacies using a lifelong learning approach.  The course is aimed at tutors new to adult literacy and ran one day a week from Nov. 6th until Dec. 18th.  The next course will commence in Feb, 2009 and the Council will be seeking participants in the course next year.

Led by Highland Council Adult Basic Education Co-ordinator, Mohamed Hamada, the latest group worked through materials with lively discussions and shared experiences. Everyone came to the course with different expectations and even some apprehension.  After completing the training, however, all are feeling more confident in their abilities and keen to do some tutoring.

Gillian Conway, Grantown tutor said: “The course material was very relevant and will be a great resource in the future, too.”

Aviemore tutor Kate Streib said:  “I’ve enjoyed sharing ideas with everyone and coming up with potential literacy and numeracy courses that we could develop to offer the community.”

Anyone interested in enrolling in the New Year that would like more information, please contact Mohamed Hamada, the Adult Basic Education Co-ordinator on 01479 811689 or email:

5 Jan 2009