Journalist of the year

Keith MacKenzie, Reporter,  West Highland Free Press, has been named Journalist of the Year for the Highlands and Islands. Keith received his award from Stewart Stevenson, Scottish Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change, at the Highlands and Islands Press Ball which was held at Nairn on Friday (1 February).

Keith received £500 from the sponsors of the awards, Diageo, the world's premium drinks company, £300 of which to be donated to a charity of his choice. He also picked up the Jim Love Memorial Award for being Reporter of the Year and he was highly commended in the Feature Writer of the Year category.

West Highland Free Press, winners of the Newspaper of the Year, are donating their £500 prize to the Skye and Lochalsh Young Carers Project, while the Community Newspaper of the Year, the Charterbox, from the Black Isle, is donating £100 of their prize money to the community-run Avoch Amenities Association.

The Press Ball raised £2,400 for four charities, namely the Highland Society for Blind People; Highland Deaf Childrens Society; Age Concern Scotland; and Handy Person Scheme.

4 Feb 2008