Culloden Rector Pays Tribute to Talented Pupil

The Rector of Culloden Academy, Inverness,  has paid a glowing tribute to a 5th year schoolboy who died at the weekend.

Stephen Dowds said the school was deeply saddened by the tragic death of Roddy Stewart, who would have been 17 today.

As a mark of respect, Mr Dowds has postponed S5/6 exams scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday, rescheduling them until after the scheduled exams restart on Tuesday 12 February.
Mr Dowds said: “Our school is deeply saddened by the tragic death of a lovely young man, Roddy Stewart. A vibrant and energetic student, Roddy was well known and extremely popular with pupils and staff alike. We have taken time today, through assembly and meetings with pupils and staff, to reflect on how best to support his family and each other through this sad period. Many pupils have already visited the family and provided support which they have appreciated greatly. We have been working closely with Roddy’s parents, who are strong supporters of the school, and in accordance with their wishes a service will be held here in the school later this week to “celebrate his life”. It will celebrate Roddy’s life as a talented, creative, successful and much loved young man who will be deeply missed by all of us at Culloden Academy. “

4 Feb 2008