Council’s cooking classes are a recipe for success

A series of cookery classes for young people in the Ullapool area has proven so successful that The Highland Council’s Education, Community Learning and Leisure Service is extending the classes.

Organised by local Youth Development Worker, Yvonne Boa, the classes run in 7 week blocks and are aimed at 12-25 year olds. Twenty four young people signed up for previous classes - which have proven so popular - that there is a waiting list for future classes.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service said: “This is an excellent example of providing opportunities for young people to develop skills for life within their own community. I commend our youth worker Yvonne for providing this opening which capitalises on the TV trends of cookery now being seen as mainstream for young people and not just something that your parents do.”

Yvonne Boa said: “We have just finished another very successful 7 week block of cooking. This was the fourth time that we ran the classes with every block fully subscribed to. Each block comprises 1 evening per week for 7 weeks; the emphasis is on easy, fun and healthy dishes. It was originally aimed at school leavers, but has been opened up to all high school age and over.”

In the latest session dishes made included chilli wraps; chicken with sage and onion stuffing and honey roasted parsnips; cheese filled pasta shells in a salsa sauce; risotto; and cheese cake or apple pie.

The classes are run by Yvonne with help from school leaver Euan Peterson who has been doing this as part of a Youth Achievement Award. The cookery sessions take place in the Home Economics room of Ullapool High school.

The classes are lively and fun and with every young person learning basic and advanced cookery skills as well as food hygiene and preparation.  All evaluations have come back very positive with every young person wishing to attend future classes.

The next block will run from next week until the Easter holidays for all the people who were unsuccessful on getting on the last block. Following Easter there will be another block for any wishing to come along and for young people who wish to use this as part of their Duke of Edinburgh or Youth Achievement Awards.

Yvonne added: “I would like to thank all the young people who attend the classes and to Euan for his help in running them. Also to Ann Hunter for the use of her class room and to the School cleaners for helping organise the room.”

Anyone interested in joining future cooking classes for young people in the Ullapool area can contact Yvonne Boa on tel: 01854 613351 mob: 07825754850 or email her at

11 Feb 2008