Council Elects New Resources Committee Vice-Chairman

The Highland Council has elected Councillor Pauline Munro (Scottish National Party) to be Vice-Chairman of the Resources Committee.

Councillor Munro succeeds Councillor Peter Cairns (SNP), who has stood down as vice-chairman because of personal reasons, relating to family commitments.  Councillor Cairns will continue as a councillor, chairing the Post Office Working Group and being a member of the Resources Committee and the Audit and Scrutiny Committee.

Councillor Carolyn Wilson, Chairman of the Resources Committee,  paid tribute to Councillor Cairns’s service to the committee and his ongoing his work as chairman of the Post Office Working Group and welcomed Councillor Munro into her new post.

Councillor Munro said: “I will do my best to carry on the good work achieved by Councillor Cairns during his term in office and am looking forward to working with the chairman in overseeing this important strategic committee.”


14 Feb 2008