Council calms traffic around City School

All roads around Smithton Primary School in Inverness will be covered by 20mph speed restrictions from Monday 25th February.

The whole of Smithton Park will have a permanent 20mph limit while part of Murray Road will have a part-time 20mph limit, on school days, to coincide with the times when children are expected to be arriving or departing from the school.
Drivers travelling near Smithton Primary should be aware that the 20mph part time speed limit on Murray Road applies on school days from: 08: 00 to 09:00; 12:00 to 12:10; 12:35 to 13:00; 14:45 to 15:00; and 15:15 to 15:30.

Motorists are reminded that if they speed in the vicinity of Highland schools then the penalties will be tough. The Highland Council, Northern Constabulary and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (Highlands and Islands Area) are clear that if motorists are caught speeding near Highland schools where a 20mph limit is in place, then robust enforcement action will be taken by both the Police and the Procurator Fiscal Service.

Since April 2005, The Highland Council has introduced 20mph traffic restrictions at 131 of the 216 schools in Highland. Only two schools, Raigmore and Dochgarroch, remain to be completed in the Inverness area.

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of The Highland Council’s TEC Services said: “We now have more than half (60%) of all Highland School with 20mph speed limits around them. We are committed to completing the introduction of 20mph speed restrictions around all our schools which will help to reduce accidents and save lives.”


18 Feb 2008