Primary Cross Country Event at Kirkhill Primary

The Charleston Primaries Cluster Cross Country Event takes place Thursday, 21st February 2008 at Kirkhill Primary School.

The event will bring together 115 Primary pupils from all 7 of Charleston’s cluster primaries – Beauly Primary, Kinmylies Primary, Kirkhill Primary, Muirtown Primary, Teanassie Primary, Tomnacross Primary and Dochgarroch Primary.

There will be races for girls and boys, P4/5 and P6/7, with individual winners of each mile long race receiving medals, with the overall winning team receiving a trophy, which they will retain until next years race.

The event has been organised by Kirkhill’s Janitor Mark Sloggie, in conjunction with Lucy Swanson, The Highland Council's Active Schools Coordinator.

The Active Schools initiative involves creating, developing and delivering a wide range of opportunities for children to participate in and promoting healthy lifestyles through physical activity and sports in all of Highland’s school communities.


18 Feb 2008