Highland IOpportunity Grows And Refocuses

The new-look Highland Opportunity Limited (HOL), the Enterprise Trust for the Highlands, has taken on responsibility for assisting a much wider range of Highland businesses – with the scope to award loan packages up to £500,000.

It is now the first port of call for businesses seeking Council business advice and backing, and HOL is able to offer a range of financial loan packages to young entrepreneurs, small businesses, medium sized businesses and social enterprises.

David Owen, Company Manager, said: "What started as a funding source for small business development has grown into a true enterprise trust serving businesses as diverse as theme cafes to high class contemporary glass blowing, or the manufacture of fragrances from native Highland flowers. The growing diversity of enterprise being developed in the Highlands is inspirational."

HOL has also taken on increased responsibilities for delivering The Highland Council’s business development services. The Recruit Project, now in its fifth year, has now expanded to include advice on Working Tax credits and annualised salaries to employers and employees alike. Through its monitoring of employment trends in the Highlands, Recruit is currently developing proposals to support "in migration" to the region from central European countries in an attempt to counteract problems of skills shortages in the area. Working for Families is a HOL project which aims to ensure that child care is not a barrier to people entering training, education or employment in four areas of the Highlands.

Mr Owen added: "With initiatives as diverse as the different loan funds coupled with Recruit and Working for Families, HOL can keep abreast of issues right across the working and economic spectrum."

Councillor Sandy Park, Chairman of HOL, who is also Chairman of The Highland Council’s Planning, Development Europe and Tourism Committee, said: "HOL is going from strength to strength. Recent changes are sharpening up delivery of the Council’s business development services. We continue to put Highland businesses first."

HOL operates from a headquarters in Castle Street, Inverness, as well as at offices in Portree and Wick, where new outreach Business Advisers are based.

9 May 2006