Chairman’s Pride in Delivering Highland 2007

Photo galleries of the event can be found on the Highland Lights webpage.

The Chairman of Highland 2007, Councillor Sandy Park, Convener of The Highland Council, said the Board and staff of Highland 2007 are proud of what has been achieved during Scotland’s Year of Highland culture.

Speaking at Highland Portraits – a celebration of the year’s events at Eden Court, Inverness -  Councillor Park thanked funding agencies and sponsors as well as event promoters, organisers and entertainers for making Highland 2007 such a resounding success.

Councillor Park said: “I would like to pay tribute to the many individuals and organisations who have helped to bring Highland 2007 to fruition and who have contributed to its development. 

“To bring together a programme of more than 600 events that covers six different strands of culture, throughout a region as large and dispersed as the Highlands and Islands, over a year long period, involving national agencies alongside community groups and individuals in its design and delivery, is no small task to pull off.   But we have managed it and it has been achieved by creating and working with one of the biggest partnerships many of us will ever encounter.”

He thanked the Scottish Government, The Highland Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise for initiating Scotland’s year of Highland culture and for providing the core resources and support to the project since its inception in March 2003. Partner local authorities in Shetland, Orkney, Moray, Argyll and Bute and the Western Isles were applauded for helping to spread the programme of celebrations across the Highlands and Islands to showcase our region to best effect.

He also praised all 33 Concordat partners who helped ensure the high quality and diversity of the programme of events, with particular thanks going to VisitScotland and EventScotland for their significant investment in the region.

He recognised the support of 17 commercial sponsors for Highland 2007.  In particular he thanked principal partner, Lifescan Scotland, and major partners; Tulloch Homes, the Scottish Co-op and BBC Scotland.

Highland 2007 were grateful to Highland Youth Voice and to the many young people across the Highlands who helped to shape The Highland Promise, the cultural pledge for schools. 

He concluded: “The biggest thank you must go to the hundreds of local and national event organisers, promoters and project managers who have shaped and hosted the Highland 2007 programme.  With their help, we created something completely new and something which thus far has been unique to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. 

“Over 600 teams of staff and volunteers produced a truly diverse programme of celebrations with a common purpose – to showcase the culture of our region in all of its traditional and contemporary glory.

“The Board and staff of Highland 2007 are proud of what has been achieved during Scotland’s Year of Highland culture and we hope that you are proud of the role you have played in its success.” 

14 Jan 2008