Fun Activity Week To Prepare New Pupils

A week of exciting activities has been planned during the summer holidays for P7 pupils who will be moving up to Dingwall Academy when the new school term begins in August.

Activities taking place in Dingwall Academy will include a variety of different sports, drumming workshops, cookery lessons, arts and craft sessions with  the week, which runs from Monday 21 July to Friday 25, ending in a group outing to Landmark.

The aim of the activity week is to provide the new S1 pupils a chance to meet new people and also familiarise themselves with the school building.  Taking part will be pupils from the Dingwall Academy feeder schools.

The project has been organised and will be run by a range of different partners including The Highland Council’s Social Work and Education, Culture and Sport Services and will be run by staff from the Youth Development team, both Dingwall Children’s Services workers, the Dingwall Active Schools Co-ordinator, the NHS Highland School Nurse and representatives from Dingwall Youth Kafe.

Doris Bryan, Dingwall Primary Children’s Services worker said: “We have had approximately 80 young people sign up to to attend the week long event which is planned tpo be fun packed and is designed to help support the children with their transition to Dingwall Academy. We would like to give special thanks to the teaching staff and the Dingwall Academy senior pupils who are coming in during their holidays to provide activities throughout the week.”

The Highland Council’s Chairman of ECS, Councillor Bill Fernie said:  “Moving from primary to secondary school is a big step for children especially for those pupils coming from small rural schools.  It is all to easy to worry about getting lost or making new friends.  This week of activities will give the kids a fantastic chance to have fun, get to know staff and senior pupils, make new friends and become familiar with the layout of their new school.”

Funding to run the week has been provided by participating primary schools, Dingwall Academy and the Highland Council’s Youth Development team.


14 Jul 2008