Speed limits introduced at Ardnamurchan School
A full time 20 mph speed limit is being introduced on School Road, Strontian, at Ardnamurchan High School on Friday 18th July, 2008.
When this speed limit comes into effect 27 of the 33 schools in Lochaber will have 20 mph speed limits in place. Of the remaining 6 schools, one (Achaphubuil Primary) is currently mothballed.
A report concerning the other 5 schools Canna, Eigg, Inverie, Muck and Rum Primaries will be presented to The Highland Council’s TEC Services committee on 14th August proposing not to introduce 20 mph speed limits at these schools due to the low traffic volumes and speeds at these locations. If approved, this would mean that Ardnamurchan High School would be the last school in Lochaber to receive the introduction of 20mph speed limits and thus mark the end of the Scottish Government funded programme of speed reduction around schools in the area.
Motorists are reminded that if they speed in the vicinity of Highland schools then the penalties will be tough. The Highland Council, Northern Constabulary and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (Highlands and Islands Area) are clear that if motorists are caught speeding near Highland schools where a 20mph limit is in place, then robust enforcement action will be taken by both the Police and the Procurator Fiscal Service.
For further information about the 20mph programme please contact: Murdo MacLeod, Traffic Technician, The Highland Council, TEC Services tel 01463 702691