Childcare and Family Resource Partnership On The Road

Ross and Cromarty Childcare and Family Resource Partnership will be visiting three communities on the West Coast to meet families and learn how it can best support parents of young children in Lochcarron, Ullapool and Gairloch.

The Partnership is a group of statutory and voluntary organisations and parents all working together to develop services for families in Ross and Cromarty. Representatives will be visiting Lochcarron Community Hall on Tuesday 14 June, the MacPhail Centre in Ullapool on Friday 17th June and Gairloch Community Hall on Tuesday 21 June. All sessions start at 12 noon.

The Highland Council’s Childcare and Family Resource Officer Eileen Burnham said: "If you are a parent or you care for children and think things could be better for families in your community then why not come along to one of these events? Everyone is welcome and this is a great opportunity for us to find out what services and needs each community may have. There will be a chance to chat to people working for Highland child care agencies over lunch while any young children who come along explore our new mobile crèche."

8 May 2006