Inverness Common Good fund supports City Pipe Band

Members of The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee have approved funding of £7,500 from the Inverness Common Good Fund for Inverness’s only competitive pipe band.

Northern Constabulary Community Pipe Band which has been in existence for five years has a membership currently standing at seventy, 98% of whom live in Inverness.

The Common Good funding - which will be matched by Northern Constabulary - will be used to purchase additional band uniforms; upgrade, refurbish and augment band instruments and equipment; and cover transport and accommodation costs to local and national UK competitions.

Provost Bob Wynd, Chairman of the Inverness City Committee of The Highland Council said: “Working in partnership with Northern Constabulary, the City Committee has recognised the important role that the Band plays in representing part of our culture and tradition and as Provost I am particularly delighted and look forward to the Band playing at some of our Civic Events.”

Chief Constable Ian Latimer said: “I am delighted that the Pipe Band will receive this funding from the Common Good Fund. I am also pleased to announce that Northern Constabulary has agreed to match this funding, which will be a substantial boost to the Band, whose contribution to local communities is highly valued.”

Membership of the band is mainly drawn from the members of the public, with ages ranging from early teens to senior citizens, with small number of serving and retired police staff. The band currently practices and stores equipment at the Police Headquarters in Inverness.

In 2007, the band won the Scottish Championship in its grade (4B); won the Drum Corps Trophy in Grade at the Scottish Championships; and took third place in Grade in the European Championships (held in Inverness). Following these results the band has now been promoted to Grade 4A for 2008.

4 Jun 2008