Highland Housing Register Launch

Applying for social rented housing in Highland will be more straightforward following the launch of the Highland Housing Register.  The initiative means that people who want to rent a house from the Council or any of the Housing Associations in the Highlands only need to complete a single application form, with housing allocated according to a single policy.

The Highland scheme is one of the most far reaching of those introduced so far in Scotland as it involves not just a single application form but also a joint allocation policy and shared computer system.

Communities Minister Stewart Maxwell said: “Common Housing Registers are crucial to simplifying access to social housing which is why we want to see them up and running in all areas of Scotland.  I congratulate Highland Council and all of its housing association partners on establishing the Highland Housing Register.”

The partner organisations involved– The Highland Council, Albyn Housing Society, Cairn Housing Association, Lochaber Housing Association, Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association and  Pentland Housing Association - signed a Partnership Agreement at a ceremony at the Town House Inverness on Monday 2 June.

Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee said: “I would like to praise all partners for the significant work that has gone into developing the Highland Housing Register. This will make it easier for people to apply for housing in the Highlands. Not for the first time we have taken a particularly progressive and innovative approach which I am sure will be an example for other organisations nationally. This complements the considerable achievements we have seen in developing new housing for rent in the Highlands.”

Lochaber Housing Association Chairperson, Alison Gainsford, said: 'We have been delighted to have contributed to the development of this initiative and we are looking forward to working with the other partners in ensuring that the Highland Housing Register works to the benefit of everyone in housing need in the communities we serve."

Further information about the HHR and participating organisations is available on The Highland Council website, or by contacting the Council’s Housing & Property Service on 01463 702863.


2 Jun 2008