National Day of Action on Litter

The Highland Council and Northern Constabulary combined resources to participate in a National Day of Action on Litter yesterday (Tuesday 3rd June).

Research into public attitudes has revealed that low level antisocial behaviour such as littering, dog fouling and fly tipping are perceived as not being taken seriously by local authorities and the police. The aim of this day of action is to raise the profile of these low level crimes and to demonstrate to the public that the Council and the police have a serious desire to tackle them.

The principal objective is to reduce the incidence of littering in our streets through joint patrols of police officers and Council staff in TEC services in a number of towns throughout the Highlands including Thurso and Inverness.

Chairman of TECS committee Cllr John Laing said: “Raising the profile of low level anti-social behaviour will seek to achieve a reduction in this type of crime. It is an example of best practice in partnership working between agencies to tackle issues which adversely effect communities, and will establish effective local partnerships with the ability to respond to other environmental crimes in their areas.”

Six Fixed Penalty Notices were issued on National Day of Action on Litter in the Highlands  – all for littering. The joint patrols were also successful in conveying the message about littering with a considerable number of children around schools being advised of the fines and why it is antisocial to drop litter.

11 Jun 2008