National Award For West Alness Resident Group

A resident’s association from Alness is one of 79 volunteering groups from across the UK who have been announced as winners of this year's Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.  These awards recognise the outstanding contributions made to local communities by groups voluntarily devoting their time for the benefit of others.

The prestigious National Honour, which is equivalent to the MBE, sets the national benchmark for excellence in volunteering, and the activities of those awarded have been judged of the highest standard.

The West Alness Residents Association was amongst the winners selected from 379 groups nominated by members of the public who have been helped personally or witnessed the benefits of a group's work in their community. The Alness group will now be presented with an exclusive crystal trophy marking their success by Lord Lieutenant Janet Bowen at a ceremony on 20 June.

The West Alness Residents Association is one of many tenants and residents associations across The Highland Council area that are supported by the Housing & Property Service to encourage tenants to get involved with the housing service they receive and to improve the communities they live in.

Chairman of the Housing and Social Work Committee, Councillor Margaret Davidson congratulated the group on their success.  “This group of volunteers have made a huge contribution to their community and I am delighted that all their hard work has been recognised.  I am sure their efforts will encourage other Highland resident groups to continue their work.  As a council we appreciate the very valuable role these voluntary community groups have in making a positive impact on people’s lives.  We are committed to continuing our support to help them achieve their goals.”

More than 600 groups around the UK have now won the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, over the six years since it was created by Her Majesty to mark the occasion of her Golden Jubilee in 2002.

4 Jun 2008