Old Achintore School

Urgent restoration work is to be carried out over the summer months to the B-listed Old Achintore School, Fort William.
A structural survey of the building has identified that the building is in very poor condition, that much of the internal structure has collapsed and that there is now an additional risk of the roof collapsing.
Working in consultation with Historic Scotland, The Highland Council has  agreed that conservation works have to be undertaken in order to stabilise the building structurally and make the property safe.
The extent of the stabilisation works, the condition of the building and the risks to anyone working in the building require removal of the roof along with all rotted timbers etc. and that this will need to be undertaken from above.
It is proposed to undertake these works over the summer school holiday period in order to allow for ease of access through the adjacent school grounds for site equipment and plant.



4 Jun 2008