Scoraig Primary School's Activity Weekend

Last weekend saw an excited group of children from Scoraig descend upon Fairburn Outdoor Activity Centre for a weekend of fun and physical challenges. 

The weekend had been organised by the Ross and Cromarty's Sports Council Out of School Hours project (OSH) which receives New Opportunities funding. 

Project co-coordinator Howard Tolliday said: "We were finding it difficult arranging coaches to get to Scoraig so thought it would be an exciting challenge to bring the children to Fairburn so that they too could benefit from the free physical activities offered to all Ross-shire children by OSH. 

"By the sight of their glowing smiles and enthusiasm I think it was a huge success and enjoyed by all."

Teachers and even a parent helper got roped in to also take part in the activities. Teacher

Nuala Keller said: "This is the best school trip and the children have had a busy but very enjoyable time trying new activities and learning new skills."



10 May 2006