Physical Activity Strategy

The Highland Council is developing a strategy for physical activity with its multi agency partners in the public and voluntary sector and is looking for feedback from the public on how to get everyone more active.

The Physical Activity Strategy will link with a new sports strategy and facility review and will look to set the vision for the people of Highland, audit what is currently being delivered and seek to maximise opportunities for all members of the community to be physically active.

Physical activity policy in Scotland is set within the context of a 2003 Scottish Executive report ‘Lets make Scotland More Active’.  This report outlined the health benefits or more physical activity to the population with evidence based research and recommendation of physical activity levels for good health.  The recommended levels for good health are:

• 60 minutes of physical activity a day for children.
• 30 minutes of physical activity a day for adults.

The Highland consultation will take the form of an electronic questionnaire.  The questions centre around opportunities for physical activity within currently funded programmes provided by the Council, NHS and the voluntary sector around the following four settings;

• Schools
• Workplaces
• Homes
• Communities

The Highland Council’s Chairman of Education, Culture and Sport, Councillor Bill Fernie is encouraging people to log on and take part.  He said:  “This is the perfect chance for people of all ages to let us know what it would take to get them to be more physically active. The results will help us and our partners shape future policy and will ensure the needs and aspirations of people are taken into account.  I would urge people to go online and have their say.”

Young people of school age have their own survey to complete and there is another on for member of the public to fill in.  They can be found by clicking this link 

The final date for consultation is Friday 27 June 2008.

10 Jun 2008