Now is the time to apply for an Education Maintenance Allowance

Young people staying on at Secondary schools in the Highlands are being urged by Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service to apply early for an Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).

This call for applications for the academic year 2008/09 is to ensure that young people do not miss out on the EMA award which could be worth up to £1,500 to each pupil.

An EMA is a weekly payment of up to £30, paid directly to eligible young people who stay on in school after they reach statutory leaving age. Young people may also be eligible for two bonuses of £150 if they remain on their course and make the necessary progress with their learning.

Highland Council’s Youth Convener Gillian Slider said: “Anyone who is thinking of staying on at school after the summer holidays and is eligible for an EMA should get their application in now.”

Highland Council’s EMA Co-ordinator, Katie Moir said: "Eligibility for the academic year 2008/09 is dependent on your date of birth and household income. You must also live within The Highland Council area, meet residency criteria and attend a Highland Council school or be home educated for over 21 hours a week. Payments are dependent on students completing a Learning Agreement with their school and complying with it for the full academic year."

Depending on birth dates, the eligibility for academic year 2008/09 are as follows:

• for people born between 1st March 1989 and 30th September 1992 they could be eligible for an EMA starting from 18th August 2008;

• for people born between 1st October 1992 and 28th February 1993 they could be eligible for an EMA starting from 5th January 2009. 

The income eligibility levels for academic year 2008/09 are as follows:

Household income    Weekly payment
• Less than £21,835  £30
• £21,836-£26,769   £20
• £26,770-£32,316   £10
• Over £32,317        nil

Application forms and further information are available throughout the Highland Council area from Secondary Schools, Service Points and the Council’s web site: /ema

12 Jun 2008