Underwater art comes to Nairn

Nairn swimming pool is one of only two Scottish venues for the UK’s first underwater sound festival, Wet Sounds 2008.

Wet Sounds is a mobile gallery for sound art, which is curated each year from work submitted by artists worldwide. The work is exhibited at leisure centres and universities nationwide. This year, the exhibition will comprise a touring underwater sound festival, 6th – 19th July, visiting ten venues throughout the UK.

The public is invited to experience a collection of specially made sound art from around the world at Nairn Leisure on Wednesday 16th July from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The only other venue where people can experience and hear Wet Sounds in Scotland will be at Leith Victoria in Edinburgh on Tuesday 15th July.

Provost of Nairn, Highland Councillor Liz MacDonald said: “I am delighted that Wet Sounds chose to come to Nairn on its whistle-stop tour of the UK. The Highland Council embraces and encourages growth in the Arts and this fascinating sound art exhibition will bring a new cultural dimension to the Highlands for us to experience.”

Curator, Joel Cahen of Newtoy Ltd said: “The average person does not get to experience sound art as it is generally reserved for a niche audience in a gallery. Wet Sounds makes sound art accessible to the public through a unique listening experience. As part of the normal public pool admission, the audience floats or dives through water immersed in sound.”

Wet Sounds is kindly supported by Hackney Council’s Cultural Development Team, Arts Council of England and the PRS Foundation. The tour begins and ends in the London Fields Lido on the 6th and 19 July.

Admission to Wet Sounds at Nairn Leisure is: 50p for adults, under 18yrs, over 60yrs, students and High Life budget status. High Life all-inclusive members are free. For further information and to book a place please contact Nairn Swimming Pool, Nairn tel: (01667) 453061.

16 Jun 2008