Fortrose Band To Play At Rock Solid Showcase

An exciting “Battle of The Bands” was held at Fortrose Academy last Wednesday night to choose a band to represent the school at an event showcasing Highland secondary school rock bands.

During the evening eight bands battled it out before “AJP Taylor” featuring Robert Hillis, James Stevenson, Sandy Robinson, David Royan and Colin Bramwell.
were announced winners.  They will now join 7 other Highland secondary school rock bands at the Rock Solid event to be held in the One Touch Theatre at Eden Court on the evening of Monday 17 March.

Organised by The Highland Council, Rock Solid will showcase bands from Wick Academy, Golspie High School, Fortose Academy, Ardnumurchan, Gairloch and Farr High Schools, Nairn Academy and Charleston Academy in Inverness.
The Council’s Music Development Officer, Norman Bolton said:  “Many of the bands taking part are regularly gigging but for others Rock Solid will be their first opportunity to play on stage in such a supported environment.”

Rock Solid starts at 7.30pm and tickets are available now from the Eden Court Box Office on 01463 234234.  Standing tickets cost £8, limited seating tickets are £10 and there is a special group rate of £5 for 20+ tickets with a free tickets for every 5 bought.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, Councillor Bill Fernie wished all the bands well.  He said:  “The Council is committed to supporting and helping to develop the talents of our young people.  Rock Solid will give all the musicians a great experience of playing under the spotlight and will also give them the opportunity to meet and mix with other like-minded musicians from different areas.  I am sure all eight school bands will be bringing with them a lot of local support for what will be a loud and lively evening.

“I very much hope that some of the bands will also consider trying to get showcased at the goNorth event to be held in Dundee on the 5th and 6th June.  Bands in the north have been doing very well in recent years as I have seen with the growing success of Jyrojets from Inverness and a range of bands the length and breadth of the Highlands.  The more chance bands have to show what they can do by entering these events, the more chance they have to succeed.  It has become clear to many folk that music has a growing part to play in our economy and the long-term benefits can be seen by the growing popularity of the events and the bands that are showcased.
“Information on goNorth 2008 can be found at . Applications close on 28 March and I would encourage any aspiring highland band to have go.”

Note to Newsdesks

To arrange a press pass to come along and take press photos during Rock Solid on Monday 17 March, please contact Norman Bolton on 01349 868201.


3 Mar 2008