Finding the Findhorn with Council Ranger

The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers will be leading a guided walk this Sunday (9th March, 2008) in the Findhorn Valley from 2pm to 4.30pm.

The River Findhorn has attracted people and wildlife for thousands of years. The walk will pass through old settlements, spectacular glacial scenery and participants may see a wealth of wildlife all of which has connections with the upper reaches of the river.
John Orr, Highland Council’s Countryside Ranger for Inverness East and Nairn said:  “This is a lovely walk following an estate track above the river before descending through an abandoned village and returning by an old coffin path. There are some amazing views of the Findhorn and the glacial valley it runs through. There’s a good chance of seeing mountain hares and lots of different birds of prey up there”.

Organised as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Services countryside events programme, the walk is suitable for individuals and family groups and is free to attend. Booking is required on this walk which is 4km or 2.5 miles and is a little steep in places.

To book a place or further information please telephone: 01463 702932.

The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are a partnership between The Highland Council and Scottish Natural Heritage with the aim of promoting public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.


4 Mar 2008