Highland Minority Ethnic Pupil Forum

Pupils from across east Highland met at Dingwall today (Wednesday) for the first  meeting of the Highland Minority Ethnic Pupil Forum.  More than two dozen youngsters from primary and secondary schools across the greater Moray Firth area, together with youngsters from the Gypsy/Traveller community, met to discuss issues relating to their schooling.

The establishment of the Forum represents the latest in a series of measures taken by The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service to consult as widely as possible among the increasingly diverse communities served by the area’s schools. The Council has already surveyed parents and pupils across the minority ethnic population using questionnaires, with very positive outcomes.

However it is hoped that, by creating the opportunity for youngsters to meet with their peers and enter into dialogue on things which matter to them in their day-to-day school experiences, the forum will yield further quality-rich data. This, in turn, will allow Council officials to fully assess the impact of the Education Authority’s services and policies on children from minority ethnic communities around Highland.

5 Mar 2008