Highland Toddlers Invited to take part in Bookstart + Week

Bookstart in the Highland’s is gearing up to celebrate Bookstart + week, held from 10th – 16th March with a selection of special events especially geared toward toddlers.

Representatives from The Highland Council’s Library Service will be handing out free Bookstart + packs at various venues in the area throughout the week, including Eden Court Theatre and local libraries. Tied in with the distribution of the packs, fun named sessions such as Bouncing Beans, Mini Movers and Tiny Tunes for Toddlers will be taking place in Eden Court throughout the week and on the 18th and 19th March their will be a production of The Gruffalo by Tall Stories. 

Elizabeth Parker, The Highland Councils Senior Librarian for Children and Families is keen to encourage as many toddlers as possible to come along to the events.  She said: “Our Bookstart + Week will provide a chance for parents and toddlers who have not yet received their free Bookstart+ pack to come along and collect it. Of course, Bookstart packs are only half of the gift to children and their families. The other, more lasting gift is the message of enjoying books together, and we will be happy to chat to any parents or carers who would like advice on reading with their children.”

Bookstart in Scotland is part of a national scheme giving free books to children up to age three. It aims to get children reading at a young age, and to encourage families to read together.

Babies aged six-16 weeks receive their first books through Bookstart from health visitors. The second pack, Bookstart +, is gifted to toddlers when they are between 15 – 24 months, and the final pack is gifted through nurseries at age three.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, Councillor Bill Fernie said:  “Research shows that children really benefit from Bookstart and gain a head start with their language skills so I would encourage any parents who believe they may have missed out on any of the Bookstart packs, to ask at their local library for details.”

Bookstart + packs will be available from Eden Court at various times during the week including; Sunday 9th at Baby Groove, Monday 10th – Wednesday 12th 9.45 – 11.15am and in addition on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th March before and after performances of The Gruffalo.  Full lists of times and locations are available from your local library or by calling Eden Court tel: 01463 234234.


10 Mar 2008