Keeping the Highlands Beautiful

Issued by Keep Scotland Beautiful

An army of almost 20,000 volunteers gathered during April to wage war on litter across Scotland as part of Keep Scotland Beautiful’s National Spring Clean 2008.  And 1,719 of those volunteers carried out 27 clean ups in The Highland Council area.  This year more people than ever donned yellow tabards and wielded litter pickers – showing that people really do want to make a difference to their favourite haunts.  During April 33 events took place in the Highland Council area with communities rallying together to tackle one common issue - litter.

Plastic juice bottles, old tyres, broken computer monitors, traffic cones and fast food packaging - all these items were cleared from business areas, orphan spaces, parks and residential areas by troops of volunteers.   In fact enough black sacks of litter to line the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, from the castle esplanade to the Scottish Parliament, 12 times over, were collected as part of National Spring Clean 2008 across Scotland.

Last year KSB resurrected the spring clean campaign to encourage people to organise and take part in litter clean up activities throughout the month of April. 

Chief Executive of KSB, John Summers OBE, said, “Everyone can do something about litter, making it an environmental challenge we can all take responsibility for.  But I would like to say a massive thank you to the 1,719 volunteers from the Highlands who organised and attended clean up events making that extra special effort to keep Scotland beautiful. Unfortunately 46% of people surveyed recently admitted to still dropping litter but with a combined approach of education, providing more bins, and where necessary issuing fixed penalty notices to those caught dropping litter we are determined to win this fight.”

National Spring Clean 2008 may be over but people can still organise and take part in clean up events throughout the rest of the year.  Clean up kits can be ordered on line at
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6 May 2008