Highland residents encouraged to compost at home

The Highland Council is urging people to give a compost bin a home during Compost Awareness Week Sunday 4th to Saturday 10th May.

The Council has joined the national Waste Aware Scotland Home Composting Campaign to offer residents discounted compost bins.  The 2008 campaign, launched nationwide by the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment Richard Lochhead in March, aims to get even more of the Scottish public composting kitchen and garden waste by offering discounted compost bins.  The campaign is a partnership between Waste Aware Scotland, WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme), the Scottish Government and all 32 Local Authorities in Scotland.

Information is being distributed to Highland householders on how they can order their compost bins as well as advice and tips on composting at home.  A range of discounted compost bins are available from as little as £6.  Each order comes with a free kitchen caddy and welcome pack with your guide on how to start composting at home. All orders include free delivery to anywhere in Scotland. Regular newsletters and online information will also be sent to participating households with news, information and seasonal tips.

This year’s campaign offers additional support to first time composters, with seven Home Composting Advisors throughout Scotland offering advice and support through local event and workshops.  The campaign is also backed by a network of Home Compositing Heroes – members of the public who aim to share practical hints and tips about composting at home with their local communities.  Being a Home Composting Hero is a great way to promote composting in your area and help the environment by reducing the amount of waste being sent to landfill.  For further information about how to become a Home Composting Hero please contact homecompost@wasteawarescotland.org.uk

A new Waste Aware Scotland Home Composting mini site was launched to support the campaign and provide information on how to begin composting, what you can compost and doctor compost to solve all your composting problems and much more.  For information and advice on home composting visit / or call the Home Composting Helpline on 0845 600 0323 or email homecompost@wasteawarescotland.org.uk

Compost bins can be ordered via the Waste Aware Scotland website / or by calling the order line on 0845 077 0756

7 May 2008