Culbokie 3 Bin Recycling Update

Since February, 125 volunteer households in Culbokie, Ross-shire have been taking part in The Highland Council’s 6 month innovative recycling trial.

Households taking part have been provided with 3 new wheeled bins in which to separate their waste.  Each week the volunteers are able to recycle their food waste including cooked and uncooked food along with garden waste which is all collected in a brown wheeled bin.   To make it easier for the volunteers to separate their food waste The Council has also provided each household with a kitchen caddy in which to store their food waste.   Recyclable material such as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, cans and paper based liquid food and drink cartons (Tetrapaks) are collected on a fortnightly basis from a blue lidded wheeled bin.   Any waste that cannot be recycled or composted is also collected each fortnight in a red bin. 

Chairman of the Council’s TEC Services Committee, Councillor John Laing said:  “So far the trial has been extremely successful with approximately 64% of the waste collected being recycled or composted which is excellent.  The Council’s current recycling rate is approximately 30% but this trial shows that if it were possible to offer this service across the region, this figure could potentially be doubled which is very promising for the future.”

Morag Wilson from Culbokie is one of the volunteers taking part in the scheme.  She said:  “It took a few weeks to get into the habit of putting the correct waste into the correct bins but the whole family got involved and now I would recommend the scheme to other people. We get lots of support from the recycling team and I think having the 3 bins is a big plus.”

The Council introduced the 3 bin recycling trial to help determine the future collection system for waste and recycling throughout the Highlands.  The trial will also help identify potential barriers that will have to be overcome to ensure the successful uptake of future food waste management schemes.  Householders on the trial have also been provided with further support and advice about how to reduce their waste including details on home composting, real nappies and how to stop unwanted mail. 

7 May 2008