Phase 2 Developments Begin at Badenoch Centre

Work begins this week on a second phase of leisure and learning developments at The Highland Council’s Badenoch Centre - Ionad Bhàideanaich at Kingussie.

Local Highland Councillor Gregor Rimell, Chairman of the Badenoch and Strathspey Area Education, Culture and Sport Committee met some of the project team to view commencement of works. Contractors Robertson Construction Ltd. are undertaking the development at the Centre.

Work will be carried out to develop the upper floor of the Badenoch Centre to create a community library and learning centre, a meeting room and youth area. Installation of a lift will make the facility accessible to all. Additional works to the ground floor include a new staff room, a consulting room and a first aid room. It is anticipated that the works will be completed in March 2006

These developments will enhance the existing facilities at the Centre which include, a servery off the reception area, changing rooms, office, and 76m2 fitness room. The multi-purpose hall can accommodate three badminton courts and is acoustically lined so that the hall can be used for dances, concerts and drama productions.

Councillor Rimell said: "The Badenoch Centre came about because of initiatives in the community; and a committee chaired by Bobby Nield. The new developments will bring Kingussie a new library and learning centre, which will be much appreciated by many people. Thanks should be given to Mags Duncan Stirling and her team of Highland Council colleagues who have made this exciting new development possible. It has not been easy, but today we celebrate. It will complement the Horizons bookshop which opened recently to give people with learning difficulties the opportunity for work experience and to develop new skills."

The second phase of works at the Badenoch Centre costing £380,000 is being funded by The Highland Council and the Scottish Executive’s Rural Challenge Fund.

The first phase of the £1.7million Badenoch Leisure Centre and community facility was opened on Saturday 6th December, 2003 and replaced the former Victoria Hall which was destroyed by fire in August, 1999. Funding for the first phase developments was provided by The Badenoch Community Project supported by the local communities, The Highland Council, sportscotland Lottery Fund’s Sports Facilities Programme, Moray, Badenoch and Strathspey Enterprise, and the balance by insurance.

Since opening last year, the Centre has received more than 46,500 visitors and is used regularly by badminton players; junior sports clubs, and local schools. Around 18% of all visitors to the Centre use the fitness suite.

Twenty two percent of the local population catchment area currently uses the Badenoch Centre for leisure-related activities. As the High Life membership card can also be used as a library card the Council hopes to attract new High Life members to the Badenoch Centre and to extend their leisure and learning opportunities in the area.

For further information on leisure activities at the Badenoch Centre contact John Turner, Leisure Centre Manager on tel: 01540 662485.

19 Apr 2006