Butterfly Rescue Mission

Highland Council Countryside Ranger John Orr is putting out a Mayday call to anyone in the area who cares about butterflies and their survival as assistance is needed to help protect the habitat of the smallest butterfly in the UK.

"We are talking about one of our rarest butterflies here, the small blue butterfly", explained John, "It needs a little yellow flower called kidney vetch to survive as its caterpillar won’t eat anything else. This plant grows along the sand dunes at Nairn East Beach but is becoming scarce as Whin bushes are shading the existing plants."

John will be leading a group of volunteers on Saturday 10 December in removing these bushes from Nairn East Beach so that in future years kidney vetch can thrive to ensure the survival of this beautiful butterfly.

If you’d like to lend a hand why not come along and grab a bowsaw or a pair of loppers which the Rangers will provide and get cutting? If you are able to help please telephone John on 01463 724312 to book a place. The task will take place on Nairn East Beach from 11am - 2pm on Saturday 10 December. It has been organised as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Services countryside events programme.


19 Apr 2006