Back to school for Ward Forum with lessons on Education and speeding

Officials hope that residents living in the Tain and Easter Ross Ward will rush to attend their Ward Forum next Thursday (13 November 2008) but not literally.

The Police will have their mobile CCTV van on display outside Milton Primary School before the Ward Forum so attendees are advised to enter the car park slowly!

The main subject to be discussed is the Council’s Education, Culture & Sport Service, focusing on how schools and communities can work together better. 
Maurice McIntyre, Education Officer for The Highland Council, said he was keen to explain how local schools were working together and some of the current priorities being taken forward in schools.

“Coming to the Ward Forum gives us another opportunity to hear from the public and community representatives what they think of the service we provide and to answer any questions they have about education provision,” he explained.

David Inglis, the new Licensing Standards Officer for Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross, will also be attending to speak about what communities need to know about The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 and the changes to licensing laws. 

David explained this is a very good time of year to come and hear about the changes.

“In the run up to Christmas community groups tend to organise a lot of functions so this is an opportunity for them to get together and raise any questions of common concern,” he said.

The Ward Forum is being held in Milton Primary School on Thursday 13 November from 7.30pm to 9.30pm with a 20-minute slot allocated at the end of the meeting for questions from the public.  Teas and coffees and the mobile CCTV van will be available from 7pm to 7.30pm.

Every Community Council in the Tain and Easter Ross Ward and other representative community organisations are members of the Ward Forum and have the opportunity to feed the views of their community into the subjects being discussed.

Ward Forums have been set up across  the Highlands to help you have your say in what's happening in your area. The forums meet regularly in public led by the Ward Elected Members in each area, assisted by the Ward Manager. Representatives of Community Councils and partner agencies, such as the police also attend the forums.  If you have an enquiry about your Forum; would like to submit questions in advance of the meeting; or have any special requirements/needs to help you take part, please contact Carol Elliot at Tain Service Point or by phoning 01349 886643 or by emailing   


5 Nov 2008