Young Musicians Tune Up For Busy Month Of Performances

Young musicians from schools all over Highland are gearing up for what promises to be a very busy month.

The Highland Council’s Regional Music Groups are finalising arrangements for their 20th Anniversary Gala Concert in Aviemore’s McDonald Highland Resort on Saturday 15th.  The Resort’s Osprey Arena will resound to the music of nearly 250 of Highland’s most able musicians that evening, with all six of the Council’s Regional Music Groups contributing to the varied programme – Pipe Band; Ceilidh Band; Big Band; Wind Band; String Orchestra and Youth Orchestra.

There are still a few tickets available for the event (tel: 01349 863441 – office hours) which promises to entertain the audience and invited guests with performances of the highest quality.

The organisers of that event and indeed some of the musicians too, will barely have time to draw breath before appearing on stage at Eden Court’s Empire Theatre on Monday 17th November.  Highland Futures, a showcase of music from twelve Highland secondary schools and Inverness primaries, will entertain audiences during an evening performance.

Tickets can be booked by contacting Eden Court box office on 01463 234234.
Once again, the evenings programme will provide a real mixture of styles demonstrating the diversity and quality of music-making which takes place in our schools.

This event is an ideal opportunity for musicians from all over Highland to collaborate and the programme will feature performances from Kinlochleven; Gairloch; Ullapool; Farr; Ardnamurchan High Schools, Tain; Invergordon; Fortrose; Culloden Academies, Grantown Grammar School  and Inverness Junior Strings Orchestra.

Not wishing to decrease the month’s musical momentum, the annual Highland Cello and Double Bass Day will take place in Inverness’s Merkinch Centre on Tuesday 18th November.  Young players from all over Highland will meet for the day and received intense coaching from some of the Highland Council’s Instrumental Instructors.  Each of the graded groups will be given the opportunity towards the end of the day to give short performances to any parents and friends who are able to attend. 

This year’s event is to benefit from a special collaboration with Scottish Ensemble and two of their players will mentor advanced players on the day as well as giving their own short performance.  Participants have also been given the opportunity to attend the evening Scottish Ensemble Concert in Eden Court.

Music Development Officer for The Highland Council, Norman Bolton said: “Although November will prove to be an exhausting musical marathon for some, the benefits of all these events is immeasurable, both musically and socially, for all those involved.  It is a credit to all the staff, pupils and families involved that we can stage such ambitious events and know that there will be a high level of support for them.”


5 Nov 2008