Lottery Helps Strengthen Childminding Sector

A project providing support and training for childminders in Aberdeen is one of ten across Scotland set to benefit from over £500,000 of lottery funding. In the north of Scotland three childcare projects today pick up awards from the Big Lottery Fund, the largest of the National Lottery good cause distributors.
In Aberdeen, the Scottish Childminding Association will offer support and training to childminders providing emergency care for vulnerable children. The award of £87,000 will be used to employ a Development Worker who will co-ordinate, recruit and train childminders as well as helping parents in times of stress to access emergency childcare. This will enable children to be placed quickly and effectively with an appropriate childminder.
Elaine Herron Senior Development Officer for the Scottish Childminding Association, said: "This is very exciting news for children and families in Aberdeen. The service will provide childminders with additional support to enable them to work with a wide range of family support agencies offering high quality childcare for children and families during difficult or stressful situations".
A community run nursery in North Uist today receives £58,000 to help provide a new after school care club. The award goes to Urachadh – Uibhist to create more space at Saoghal Beag nursery for after school activities as well as Gaelic pre-school education and family support classes.
Ada Campbell, Director, Urachadh – Uibhist explains the difference that the project will make. She said: "This award is wonderful news for children and parents in North Uist. Having more space and an extra room will enable us to provide 16 extra childcare places each year. It also means that we will be able to offer support to parents including talks on child development. We can now look forward towards expanding our services for the benefit of families across the area."

An innovative project encouraging children and child providers to design outdoor play spaces today receives £7,400. Highland Council will use the award to develop outdoor play for pre-school children in Fort William and Kinlochleven.

In a series of workshops artists will help childcare providers and children to design their own activities using natural materials to produce objects such as wind chimes and sound pipes. As well as encouraging children to enjoy outdoor play, the project will provide new skills for childcare workers.

Highland Council’s Lochaber Convener, Councillor Olwyn MacDonald, said:  "The Highland Council is delighted to be accepting this award for the development of outdoor play spaces in Lochaber childcare settings. Employing artists to work with the groups and staff using the centres is an innovative idea and we look forward to seeing the results. We wish to encourage as much outdoor play as possible and see this as an opportunity to develop and create exciting environments for our youngest children."

Announcing today’s funding, Big Lottery Fund Board Member for Scotland, David Campbell, said: "Providing quality childcare is important for all parents across Scotland. These grants made today show how important it is for parents to have access to childcare which meets their individual and family circumstances. Many of the projects will provide learning opportunities for both parents and childcare staff which are key steps towards creating a vibrant, sustainable and good quality childcare sector in Scotland."

19 Apr 2006