Highland 2007 Legacy Programme - Round 1 Grants Awards Announced

Members of The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee have been advised that 53 awards, totalling £388,649, have been approved in the first round of the new Highland 2007 Legacy Programme.

Given the national significance of Homecoming Scotland 2009 and the opportunities that exist for the Highlands to participate in this Scotland-wide programme, the first round of grants were prioritised in support of events or projects contributing to this national celebration. Homecoming Scotland 2009 aims to motivate people of Scottish descent, as well as those who simply love Scotland, to come home in 2009 and the Highlands will present a very special programme to attract international tourists to the area next year.

Councillor Sandy Park, Convener of The Highland Council, said: “The volume and high quality of applications combined to present the decision making panel with an exciting challenge.  Many excellent applications were received and the overall quality of the submissions reflects the wealth and breadth of cultural activity happening in the Highlands all year round.

 “The projects and events offered funding vary widely in scale, from local projects involving entire communities to major events bringing significant economic benefit to the area. Many of the successful projects build on those initiated for Highland 2007, Scotland’s year of Highland culture.”

202 applications were received, to a value in excess of £2.5 million during this first funding round. The Highland 2007 Legacy Programme comprises a total annual fund of £500,000. A further round of applications will be invited in advance of the next funding round deadline of 6 February 2009.

The Highland 2007 Legacy Programme aims to enhance and to promote the events, festivals and cultural programme of the Highlands. It is available to community organisations, promoters, artists, performers, youth groups and schools, encouraging them to create their own legacy of Highland 2007.

A full list of successful applicants is available here

For more information contact Fiona Hampton on 01463 702007 or 07795 825581.

Editors Notes

1. The decision-making process for the Highland 2007 Legacy included input and expertise from Members of the Council in each area of the Highlands, as well as a cross-party panel of senior Councillors and senior Council officials. Individual applications have been informed of the panel decision and the process for receiving feedback on applications.
2. Highland 2007 Legacy Programme guidelines and applications can be downloaded from the www.highland2007.com.
3. Homecoming Scotland is a Scottish Government initiative managed by EventScotland, the National Events Agency, in partnership with VisitScotland, the National Tourism Agency.  See https://www.visitscotland.com/about/themed-years/ for details.

6 Nov 2008