Charity Benefits from “High Societies” Website Competition

A Highland charity is to benefit from a competition to find a name for a new interactive web site,  which will establish a database of groups, clubs and societies in the Highlands.

McMillan Cancer Care is to receive the £50 from the anonymous winner, whose choice of High Societies took the eye of judges

Joyce Watson, Libraries and Information Services Co-ordinator, The Highland Council, said:  ‘It’s particularly appropriate that this charity should benefit as Highland Libraries are currently working in a three-way partnership with NHS Highland and MacMillan to improve access to information about cancer.”
 ‘High Societies’ will act as an index and signpost to existing information contained in a variety of formats from printed directories and card files to the excellent community websites that abound. It will enable groups, clubs and societies to manage their own entries, upload images and highlight forthcoming events.

 Joyce added: “Libraries are traditionally one of  the first places that newcomers visit to find out what is available in their chosen new community.   By collating and presenting locally sourced information about local communities in what will ultimately become an interactive website or Wiki we can all contribute to a resource which will build into a fascinating picture of life in the Highlands.”
Funding for the initiative is from the Scottish Government’s Public Library Quality Improvement Matrix which is awarded each to qulaifying library authorities to enable them to improve part of their public service.
For more information contact the project coordinator on 01463 235713 or

11 Nov 2008