Locals invited to have their say on transport issues.

Transport is the theme of the next Highland Council Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Forum. The Council is embarking on a consultation process to ask the Ward communities what they think about local transport issues.

Councillor Angela MacLean who will be chairing the meeting said: “I feel it is vital that people take this chance to give their views on local transport issues affecting them. It is also really important that folk are independently mobile and have the confidence to be able to go to the doctors or the shops without it being an ordeal.  We should be able to offer choices in the range of transport options available and make it as stress free as possible.” 

Cameron Kemp, Integrated Transport Officer for The Highland Council who will lead the consultation added: “The Local Transport Strategy will detail how the Council intends to deliver on national objectives at a local level, and will provide an action plan for meeting local objectives.”

The Council hopes that a large number of the public will come forward to have their say on transport issues affecting them be it local buses, trains (or the proposal for a train halt at Conon Bridge), cycling and cycle routes, access to public transport, community transport and questions such as ‘is there a need for a community car scheme’?

The Ward Forum will be held on Wednesday17th November in the Council Chamber in Dingwall from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. The Local Transport Strategy will take the key agenda slot and it is hoped that there will be a good discussion around the transport issues that affect people in the Ward. There will also be the usual slot at the end of the meeting for questions from the public. 

Forums have been set up across the Highlands to help the public have their say on what's happening in their area. The Forums meet regularly in public and are led by the Ward Elected Members with representatives from the Ward community councils and partner agencies such as the Police.

11 Nov 2008