Highland Archaeology Fortnight: Slochd to Sluggan guided walk with Council Ranger

The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers will be leading a guided walk on Tuesday (14th October 2008) along one of General Wade’s roads from the Slochd to Carrbridge via Sluggan Bridge from 10.30am till 3pm.

This area between the Slochd and Carrbridge has attracted people and wildlife for thousands of years. The walk will pass through old settlements, spectacular glacial scenery and participants may see a wealth of wildlife.
Saranne Bish, Highland Council’s Countryside Ranger for Badenoch & Strathspey North said:  “This is a lovely walk following the original route of one of General Wades roads along current estate tracks which lead to a hidden abandoned village and a wonderful, old spectacular bridge over the River Dulnain.”

Organised as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Services countryside events programme, the walk is suitable for individuals and groups and is free to attend. Booking is required on this walk which is 12km or 7.5 miles through to Carrbridge itself and is a little steep in places.

To book a place or further information please telephone: 01479 873 914.

The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are a partnership between The Highland Council and Scottish Natural Heritage with the aim of promoting public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.

For further information please contact: Saranne Bish, Highland Council Countryside Ranger, Badenoch & Strathspey North, Planning & Development Service, Town House, The Square, Grantown-on-Spey, PH26 3HF, Tel: 01479 873 914


6 Oct 2008