Books are the Booty! Highland Libraries prepare for a swashbuckling National Bookstart Day!

Pre-school children, parents and carers are being invited to take part in National Bookstart Day on Friday (10 October) at a range of pirate-themed events in Highland Libraries.

Bookstart, run by the independent national charity Booktrust, encourages a love of reading for reading’s sake; helping children in the earliest stages of their development to associate books with pleasure. 

The theme of this year’s National Bookstart Day is ‘Pirates Ahoy’!

Pirates aged birth to four and their parents throughout the Highlands are invited to gather at free Pirate parties held at local libraries, featuring book giveaways, special pirate themed Bookstart Rhymetimes, stories and games. The pirate parties will take place at Ardersier Library, 1.30pm; Nairn Library,1.45pm; Aviemore Library, 10.30am; Grantown Library, 10.30am; Glen Urquhart Library, 10.30am; and Inverness Library at 11am.

Bookstart works with libraries, health visitors and early year’s professionals to give the gift of free books to every child at around eight weeks, eighteen months and three years of age, along with guidance materials for parents and carers. Bookstart also aims to foster a love of books through a range of fun activities like Bookstart Rhymetimes and the Bookstart Book Crawl. Anyone who has missed out on their free Bookstart packs, can ask their health visitor or local library for details, or visit

Elizabeth Parker, Highland Council’s Senior Librarian for Children and Families would like to invite as many Highland parents and babies as possible to join in, she said: “National Bookstart Day is about encouraging every family to make book sharing a regular part of their daily routine. Enjoying stories, songs and rhymes is a wonderful way to encourage children to be confident communicators and eager learners and children who enjoy books every day do far better when they start school.  All the family can join in, and share the fun that books can bring."

This is the seventh annual celebration of the book-gifting programme, which gives three packs of free books to every child in Scotland.

For further information please contact: Elizabeth Parker,  Senior Librarian, Children & Families, The Highland Council Tel: 01463 236463 / 07747 472064 e-mail:


Bookstart in Scotland is part of the UK wide Bookstart programme administrated by Booktrust that encourages all parents and carers to enjoy books with children from as early an age as possible. We want every child in the UK to develop a lifelong love of books. It is a public and private partnership and benefits from sponsorship from over 20 children’s publishers, Red House Books and central funding from the Scottish Government.

Working through locally-based organisations, Bookstart gives the gift of free books to children at around eight weeks, 18 months and three years, along with guidance materials for parents and carers. Bookstart also aims to foster a love of books through a range of fun activities. Parents wishing to receive a pack should speak to their Health Visitor or contact their local library.

For further information or press enquiries about Bookstart in Scotland please contact Helen Croney or Caroline McLeod. or or 0131 558 1111.

7 Oct 2008