Inverness school rewarded for international excellence

Cauldeen Primary School, Inverness, has won a prestigious International School Award for its outstanding work in bringing the wider world into the classroom.

Cauldeen was recognised by the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) for its approach to developing International Education as a context for the Curriculum for Excellence through its range of high quality award-winning creative projects and links with partner schools from Iceland to the Lebanon and from Malta to Afghanistan.

Head Teacher George Glass picked up the prize at a ceremony in London today (Wednesday).

He said: “We are delighted to receive this prestigious award in recognition of all the creative and imaginative work carried out by our children, teachers and partner schools throughout the world.  We are particularly delighted to be the first school to present our portfolio of curriculum work for the award in digital form. We firmly believe that the international dimension is an excellent cross-curricular context to develop the skills, challenges and knowledge needed for our pupils in the 21st Century and help develop the Curriculum for Excellence in all our classes.”

The International School Award was started in 1999 to recognise the schools leading the way in installing a global dimension into the learning experience of all children and young people.  It is funded by the DCSF and managed by the British Council. The scheme is highlighted in the DCSF international strategy as ‘a major prize for excellence in this field’ and is open to all schools in the UK.

Cauldeen is one of 585 schools accredited in 2008, and the Award is also operating in India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Lebanon, Cyprus and Pakistan. Around 1200 International School Awards have been presented to successful schools in the UK since the scheme began in 1999.

The ISA encourages and supports schools to develop the following:


8 Oct 2008