Alness Eviction Follows Crackdown On Drugs And Anti-Social Behaviour

The Highland Council’s Ross and Cromarty Area Housing Service has obtained its first drugs-related Eviction Order 

A female tenant at Milnafua, Alness, is being evicted as the result of her misuse of cannabis in her home as well as the anti social behaviour of a family member.

The Council raised an action at Tain Sheriff Court, which had the support of witness evidence from more than 20 witnesses, including Police Officers, Highland Council staff members and members of the public.

This action is the result of the successful joint working of the Anti-Social Behaviour Partnership Group that operates between the Council and Northern Constabulary.

Area Housing Manager, Tracey Urry, said: “This is a good example of what can be achieved to tackle anti-social behaviour and drug dealing in our communities when the public, the Police and the Council work together. Some people are under the impression the Housing Service won’t take eviction action because there are children in a house but we will.  The responsibility lies with the tenant to use their home properly, as a home, and not as a place to inflict anti-social behaviour including drug dealing on their community.”

Police Inspector, Jim Neil, Alness, said that the police in Alness had devoted a lot of resources into this case but that it was well worth it to see such an excellent result for the community of Milnafua.

He said: “This sends a clear signal that the Police and the Council are serious about tackling drug dealing and anti-social behaviour. I urge the public to contact the police with any information they have about those who blight communities by drug dealing.”

The public is urged to use the confidential Crime Stoppers number 0800 555111. 

19 Apr 2006