Healthways - Making A Difference In Ross and Cromarty

‘Healthways works because it belongs to all of us and it is making a difference’. This was the message given by Ross & Cromarty’s Healthways Healthy Living Centre during a presentation to a recent meeting of health improvement planners from across Highland.

Derek Leslie, Director of Performance and Planning with NHS Highland, said:

"Healthways makes a real difference to individuals and their communities. It shows how much can be achieved when people are enabled to make positive changes in their lives to improve their health and wellbeing".

Healthways’ success in working with communities and individuals to promote good health and wellbeing, reduce health inequalities and promoting social inclusion was recognised this year when the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) gave the project a national Excellence Award for Health Improvement.

The wide range of activities for all ages includes walking, cycling, healthy eating, fitness groups, dancing, parenting support groups, and ‘green gym’ projects where people can take part in environmental and gardening activities. There is no need to sign up for a course of events – people join in as often as they like – and most activities are free or cost as little as 50p.


Note for editors

The Ross & Cromarty Healthways Healthy Living Centre Project is a five-year project which started in 2002 when it received funding from the Big Lottery’s New Opportunities Fund; additional funding was secured from Highland Council, NHS Highland and Ross & Cromarty Enterprise. Further information is available from Diane Agnew, Highland Council, tel 01349 863381.



19 Apr 2006