Council Consults on Future Layout for Invergordon High Street

As part of a long term plan to improve the Easter Ross town, The Highland Council is preparing to consult with local residents and businesses on the layout of Invergordon High Street.

The town’s High Street has had work carried out on it in recent years, aimed as helping to re-generate the town, but local Councillors have received feedback suggesting a review is needed of the traffic calming measures and current parking arrangements.

Councillor Maxine Smith said: “The Council is determined to listen to these concerns and give Invergordon the High Street it deserves.  The plans for the High Street are very much medium to longer term but if we don’t start down the right road now we won’t get to where we want to be. It is critical that we do get it right and that, as far as is possible, we meet everyone’s requirements.”

 The Council has drawn up six different options for the High Street and plans setting out these options will be on show in the service point from Wednesday 3 September to 10th October 2008. There will also be an open session in the Invergordon Arts Centre on Wednesday 17 September from 7pm to 8.30pm.

Councillor Martin Rattray wants to make sure people have their say.  He said:  “I would urge any one with an interest in Invergordon to come along and join in the consultation process. Once we have a clear idea of what is wanted we can get it costed. Finding the money will be the next job and we know that will be difficult.  It may take several years to achieve, but we are determined to make a start and get this done as soon as possible.”

The Council is also advising people that in the meantime some essential maintenance repair work to the High Street is required and so work will begin shortly.


3 Sep 2008