Critters explore Caithness coast

Caithness Critters, a local children’s nature group organised by The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers, met on Saturday 30th August to cruise the Caithness coast.

Weather conditions were absolutely perfect for viewing the dramatic coastline and breath-taking scenery of sea cliffs, natural arches and caves.

The children were also enthralled by the inquisitive nature of the grey seals which came very close to the ‘Geo Explorer’ RIB in which the tour was organised.

Caithness Critters meet once a month in different locations around the county to learn about wildlife and to foster a greater appreciation for the local environment.  The group currently has places available to any children aged 8-14 years of age with an interest in wildlife and the countryside.

Anyone interested in finding out more about the group should contact the Highland Council Countryside Rangers on 01955607758 or e-mail  The group is free of charge but parents are required to transport their children to and from events.

Highland Council's Countryside Rangers with the Plannnig and Development Service constitute the largest local authority Countryside Ranger provision in Scotland with 25 full time and 3 seasonal Rangers spread throught the Highland Council Area. The role of the Countryside Rangers is to promote public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and to conserve wildlife and habitats.
The Rangers are also responsible for the promotion of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and are involved in the management of a large number of countryside sites throughout the Highland Council Area. All of Highland Council's Countryside Ranger posts are supported with grants from Scottish Natural Heritage.


3 Sep 2008