Highland Housing Association A Step Closer

A new housing association for the Highlands has moved a step closer.

A Shadow Board for the new landlord has been established with the help of The Highland Council. The new landlord would take over ownership and management of the Council’s housing stock under the Council’s proposals for housing stock transfer.

The Shadow Board has decided that the new landlord will be called Highland Housing Association - Comann Taigheadais na Gàidhealtachd.

The new landlord will seek to become an Industrial and Provident Society. This is a well established type of "not for profit" organisation which is the most commonly used by housing associations in Scotland. The Board has decided to develop decentralised governance and management arrangements to meet the varying needs of the different communities it will serve.

The Shadow Board has also confirmed the appointment of its Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons.

Angus Maclean, who lives near Drumnadrochit, has been appointed by the Shadow Board as its Chairperson, with Nigel Campbell, from Muir of Ord, and Andi Wakeman, from Watten, appointed Vice-chairpersons.

Angus Maclean said: "I am delighted to have been elected as Chairperson by my fellow Board members. I know that everyone on the Board shares my commitment to developing a new Housing Association that can deliver real benefits to current Council tenants. The more I look at what we are trying to achieve the more passionate about its success I become. I look forward to working alongside my fellow Board members, the Council, tenants and a range of other stakeholders to make housing stock transfer a success in the Highlands."

The decision on whether to transfer or not will be decided by a ballot of all Highland Council tenants due to be held in October 2006 after they get full details of the transfer proposal from the new landlord.

19 Apr 2006