Go-Ahead Highland Youth Ambassador Bids Farewell

The Highland’s first Youth Convener, Gillian Slider, was praised today (Thursday) for the important contribution she has made to youth work in the Highlands during her year in post. Gillian heads off to Stirling University on 12 September to study politics and sociology.  Her successor will be in post soon.

Gillian (18), from Ullapool, was presented with a quaich by Council Convener Sandy Park at a Council meeting in Inverness in recognition of her work with the Council and with the Highland Youth Voice.

Gillian served on the Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee and the Joint Committee on Children and Young People and represented the Highlands at the Scottish Youth Parliament, the UK Youth Parliament, the Civicus World Youth Assembly and the World Economic Forum for the Middle East in Egypt and, most recently, the World Youth Congress in Canada.

Councillor Park said Gillian had strengthened the ways the Council listens to and involves young people.

He said: “We are very proud of what Gillian has achieved in terms of her own personal development and as a positive, go-ahead ambassador for the Highlands. I would like to thank her for all her hard work and wish her well when she heads off to Stirling to study politics and sociology.”

Gillian said: “I would like to thank The Highland Council for giving me the opportunity to have the best year ever. I have seen many parts of this incredible world, met some really amazing people, had life changing experiences, and had the opportunity to make an impact on the Highlands, about which I am so passionate.”

4 Sep 2008