Highland Housing Fair Set For 2009

Highland agencies have reaffirmed their commitment to staging a major housing fair to showcase house building design and technology in the area. It had been considered that a Housing Fair might be held in 2007 to coincide with Highland 2007 – the year that Scotland celebrates Highland culture – as a main feature of the Six Cities Festival of Creative Design. However, it has been agreed that more time is needed to do full justice to the event – and that 2009, when the second Six Cities Festival is proposed, is a more realistic target date.

Mike Greaves, The Highland Council’s Head of Development and Strategy, has advised partners that the realistic conclusion of recent discussions about organising a Highland Housing Fair was that there was insufficient time to stage an event the Highlands could be proud of. A five-year lead in time was the norm.

He said: "We remain committed to organising and implementing a Highland Housing Fair and there will be an opportunity at the second Six Cities Festival in 2009 to do just that. The challenge is very much still alive."

Councillor Ian Ross, Chairman of the Council’s Sustainable Development Select Committee, said: "There is an enthusiasm within Highland to take the Highland Housing Fair forward. It would provide an excellent opportunity to "showcase" both the existing and developing good practice within our Area and demonstrate the very real commitment which exists to innovative sustainable construction and design in the Highlands. We are aware how successful such events have been in Finland and this would provide a first class promotional platform for the Highlands."

The idea of the housing fair is taken from Finland, where there is an annual fair held in a different community each year. It is the biggest outdoor event in Finland with several hundred thousand visitors, locals, tourists, architects and other design/building professionals in attendance. The plan in Highland is to stage an event in the autumn, lasting a month, which will showcase modern Highland design and technology, including the scheme’s lay out and environmental features, innovative housing designs and modern interior designs. .

The fair will be situated in the Inverness area as the main gateway into the Highlands to maximise industry involvement and visitor numbers. A site of several hectares comprising 15-20 houses along with a tented exhibition and visitor facilities will be required.

19 Apr 2006