Views of School Leavers Sought

SPICE, a Senior Pupil’s Interactive Consultation Event, will be held in the Drumossie Hotel in Inverness on Thursday (11 September), giving young people from Highland who are leaving school from 4th to 6th year the opportunity to let the Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service know about their experiences.  Two pupils from every secondary school will be invited along to give feedback on many different aspects of their schooling, including the buildings, teaching, exams, transport and careers advice.

The day will be hosted by Nicky Marr from MFR and young people will discuss what they have enjoyed in their schools, what they haven’t liked so much and where they think there is room for improvement. There will be some fun elements included in the day as young people participating will have a chance to try out some circus skills and hear a motivational talk from local explorer and adventurer Pauline Sanderson.
The event has been organised by a team from The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport service including Director Hugh Fraser, the Highland Youth Convener, the Youth Development team and young people from the Highland Youth Voice Parliament’s Schools Campaign Group.
Gillian Slider, Highland Youth Convener said:  “This is one of the last events I will be involved in, in my term as Youth Convener. I’m glad that the Education Culture and Sport service are listening to what young people have to say about their schools and it sounds like it’s going to be both an interesting and fun event!’
Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of the Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “We are always looking for ways to improve our services to young people and by bringing together school leavers to find out what they thought of their time at school will let us feed in improvements in the future.”

10 Sep 2008