Drama, Comedy and Dance for Fortrose

The Fortrose Community Theatre on the Black Isle will be running a programme of events this Autumn, offering people the chance to enjoy live performances in local, and comfortable surroundings.

The programme kicks off on 26th September with “One Giant Leap”, a co-production between the National Theatre of Scotland and Wee Stories.  The show is an epic tale of mankind’s struggle to get its head round the universe, the conflict between science and superstition for the truth and what the lessons of the past can teach us about the plight of our planet’s future.  Told in Wee Stories’ unique brand of inventive story-telling theatre, One Giant Leap will be an illuminating, funny and rewarding theatrical event for everyone from ages 10 to adult.  Starting at 7.30pm, show tickets will cost £6 and £4 concession.

Just a few days later,  as part of their national tour, VAMP Productions are bringing “Fleeto”, written and directed by Paddy Cunneen to Fortrose on Thursday 2 October. Fleeto uses emotionally intense performances to examine the devastating consequences surrounding the current social problem of knife gangs, endemic in so many communities. With a cast of four and a playing time of one hour, the piece achieves its epic feel and impact by integrating the language of contemporary Glasgow gangs with a Shakespearean verse form.  The performance contains strong language and is suitable for young people from age 16 upwards.  Tickets are £5.

On Saturday 4th October a real treat is in store for all the Folk session fans when internationally renowned Scottish Folk singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer of BBC radio Scotland’s programme “Travelling Folk”, Archie Fisher plays a concert supported by ‘The Clach.  The performance starts at 7.30pm.

On Wednesday 29 October the community theatre will host Benchtour’s production of “The Lesson”, a translation of one of the foremost absurd writers of all time, Eugene Ionesco.  His work changed the face of 20th century theatre and has inspired and excited generations of audiences. This play charts a single tutorial given by an ageing professor to a young female pupil.  She arrives as a keen and confident foil to his intense but faltering approach but the balance shifts throughout the play until things take a truly unexpected turn.  Described as thought-provoking yet funny, charming yet sinister, this play is suitable for age 13 and over and tickets will cost £6 or £4 concession.

The autumn programme ends with a full evening of dance and sound with some of the words top Kathakali dancers.  On 30th  October the Kala Chethena Kathakli Theatre Company will use drama, dance, music and visual arts to create an exotic and powerful performance,  Colourful costumes and elaborate three dimensional make-up will transform the performers as they tell universal stories of the struggle between good and evil through gesture, emotion and expression.  The performance starts at 7pm but there will be a display of the costumes and make-up in the theatre from 2pm onwards.  Tickets which are £8 and £5 are expected to be sold out so advance booking is advised.

Fortrose Community Theatre is run by Black Isle Leisure Centre Manager Ian Goode on behalf of The Highland Council.  Ian is excited about the autumn programme of events.  He said:  “This is the first time we have had Scottish Arts Council Funding to be able to put on a series of events more or less running on from each other.  There really is something for everyone to enjoy so I hope as many people as possible take the opportunity to see some top class professional live performances in their local community at a very affordable price. I hope to continue to put on top quality performances throughout the year, so please support us. If you wish to add your name to the Theatres new and ever expanding mailing list for the most up-to-date information on shows please e-mail us at blackisle.leisurecentre@highland.gov.uk  and we will keep in touch.”

Tickets for all the shows can be booked in advance by telephoning the Black Isle Leisure Centre on 01381 621252.

10 Sep 2008